This live resource provides multimodal guides on how to use T&L digital tools and technologies.
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This live resource provides multimodal guides on how to use T&L digital tools and technologies.
This resource provides the videos and PowerPoint presentations from the Navigating the New Frontier: Generative AI and Academic Integrity Conference.
The case studies highlight the excellent teaching and learning practices that are in place across MIC. Each case study provides a detailed description of the approaches implemented, the benefits and challenges of such approaches, and tips for those who wish to implement similar approaches in their own teaching.
Recognizing the transformative potential of AI, the ICDE Quality Network has developed this report as a key initiative to explore its application in teaching and learning globally. This endeavour underscores the Network’s commitment to advancing quality education by promoting the responsible integration of AI.
A. Hickey, C. O’Faolain, J. Healy, K. Nolan, E. Doheny and P. Cuffe, “A Threat Assessment Framework for Screening the Integrity of University Assessments in the Era of Large Language Models”, presented at 8th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Innovation, Lecco, Italy, September 2024
This online tutorial introduces the fundamentals of Generative AI and LLMs, explaining their functionality, capabilities, and limitations. It explores key applications, ethical considerations, and practical examples, providing learners with a foundational understanding of how these technologies impact education and creativity.
The Facilitating Learning with Animation and Multimedia Engagement (FLAME) project provides a framework to easily design, author, produce and publish rich interactive 3D media to support teaching and learning. The media can be viewed on any device with a web browser.
Publication created by our 2024 summer interns in DkIT.
Stepping out in Dundalk! This book will be a useful resource for our cohort international students someone useful tips on life on and off campus.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.