FLAME: Facilitating Learning with Animation and Multimedia Engagement


Kevin Nolan, Méabh Hennelly


University College Dublin


Arts and Humanities, Education, Engineering, Health and Welfare, Information and Communication Technologies, Manufacturing and Construction, Mathematics and Statistics, Natural Sciences, Teaching & Learning


Accessibility & Inclusion, Accessibility and Inclusion, Curriculum Design, Digital Learning, Open Education



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The Facilitating Learning with Animation and Multimedia Engagement (FLAME) project provides a framework to easily design, author, produce and publish rich interactive 3D media to support teaching and learning. The media can be viewed on any device with a web browser.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

The approaches described within these training materials use freely available and open-source tools. The materials are device agnostic and are accessible on any device a student may have such as a smartphone, tablet or laptop computer. While they also seamlessly work with VR/AR headsets such as the Meta Quest they are not necessary. This therefore places no financial burden on the student or the educational institution.

The materials that may be created using the methods described herein are displayed inline in a HTML page and appear as an image unless the learner decides to interact. There are no interruptions, sign ins, plugins or subscriptions. It is designed to be as seamless as possible.

These resources have proved to be effective in helping students understand complex and abstract concepts where visualisation can improve learning. Students have reported that these materials make ideas ‘click’ in STEM subjects in particular.

The creation of such materials requires a good degree of technical knowledge. These training materials are designed to cover the basics in 3D modelling, animations, HTML and JavaScript to help novices get started. Further training via micro-credential will help educators advance their capabilities. The project lead is also available to provide guidance on a case by case basis.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)

This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND license, permitting redistribution for non-commercial use with proper attribution but prohibiting modifications.

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Nolan, K., & Hennelly, M. (2025). Flame: facilitating learning with animation and multimedia engagement. National Resource Hub (Ireland). Retrieved from: https://hub.teachingandlearning.ie/resource/flame-facilitating-learning-with-animation-and-multimedia-engagement/

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If you have modified or adopted this resource, share your version here. Tracking adaptations helps us measure impact and connects others with useful updates.

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