Baking an Inclusive Resource for Students: SCORM files for your LMS


Trevor Boland


Dublin City University




Accessibility & Inclusion, Accessibility and Inclusion, Digital Learning, Open Education



Media Format

PDF document


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All the ingredients for an instant inclusion resource for students in your VLE.
Itʼs already assembled so download it and edit for your own context.
1.Inclusive technology options in Google and Microsoft Tools and more.
2.Awareness of UDL and how technology gives us options regarding reading, writing and more.
3. Digital Accessibility Skills

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

Choice is central within the resource. Every technology has information in displayed 3 ways:
1.A hot spot that brings up text about an AT
2.A hot spot that brings up text and an image
3.A hot spot that has a video about the tool.
Students choose their preferred way to learn.

This interactive AT resource is sharable with the Education community. Its aim is to save staff time to create a resource themselves, embed a resource in their VLE for student access, create awareness of the inclusive tech options we all have available.

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