This live resource provides multimodal guides on how to use T&L digital tools and technologies.
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This live resource provides multimodal guides on how to use T&L digital tools and technologies.
During the Spring trimester of 2024, in the UCD ‘Robotics Design Project’ (EEEN10020) module with 54 first-year undergraduate engineering students, we deliberately revised the assessment strategy. We evolved a take-home assignment into a pair of supervised in-class exercises.
This online tutorial introduces the fundamentals of Generative AI and LLMs, explaining their functionality, capabilities, and limitations. It explores key applications, ethical considerations, and practical examples, providing learners with a foundational understanding of how these technologies impact education and creativity.
The Facilitating Learning with Animation and Multimedia Engagement (FLAME) project provides a framework to easily design, author, produce and publish rich interactive 3D media to support teaching and learning. The media can be viewed on any device with a web browser.
Publication created by our 2024 summer interns in DkIT.
Stepping out in Dundalk! This book will be a useful resource for our cohort international students someone useful tips on life on and off campus.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.