Your Brainpower – Harnessing the Power and Potential of Brain and Behaviour for Enhanced Learning, Wellbeing, and Student Success


Your Brainpower is a free, online, self-paced course, focusing on harnessing the power and potential of adolescent [age 10 – 24 years] brain and behaviour for enhanced learning, wellbeing, and student success in higher education.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

If you take Your Brainpower, you will be supported to:
1. Describe the developmental stage of adolescence
2. Identify how your stage of development may impact your experiences in higher education, from a biological, psychological, social, and occupational perspective.
3. Devise personal strategies for enhanced wellbeing, learning, and success.

Although targeted mainly at first and second-year university students, Your Brainpower is likely to be of interest to many secondary school and university students. It is publicly available to all under Creative Commons License.

UCC registered first and second-year students can choose to take Your Brainpower as a digital badge micro-credential by completing the required assessments as evidence of learning.

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