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Transition from Further Education and Training to Higher Education

The National Forum, in partnership with the Further Education and Training (FET) sector, conducted a survey and interviews in 2016 of FET learners’ experiences of transition to higher education. A Forum Insight on Transition from Further Education and Training to Higher Education can be accessed here.

Reaching Out: Why Students Leave

The Union of Students in Ireland worked in partnership with the National Forum in 2016 to explore the transition experiences of those students who did not complete their programmes of study in higher education.

Reaching Out: Student Drop-Out

During 2014/15 the Union of Students (USI) in Ireland, in partnership with the National Forum, undertook a pilot research project to explore students’ experiences of non-completion in Irish higher education.

EDTL Approach for Students: Online Exams

The EDTL student intern team has collaborated to produce advice for students for effective remote learning during Covid-19, to accompany the EDTL Approach for modules and programmes.