In this webinar, Dr. Dara Cassidy suggests helpful approaches for educators to consider when planning for effective online course design and delivery.
Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it
On-campus teaching is often divided into well-understood and distinct teaching and learning activity “types”. Module and programme descriptors in turn typically encompass things like lectures, tutorials and practical sessions, each of which becomes associated with a particular time and place and a well-rehearsed set of more granular activities. In the online environment, however, our students are not always clear on what to do and, unless intentionally planned for, many of the invisible supports they consciously and unconsciously rely on in the on-campus environment may no longer be readily available to them. For teaching staff too there may be uncertainty around how to perform their role and support different teaching and learning activities online. In this talk Dr Cassidy looks more closely on these kinds of issues and, based on research into issues and concepts of online presence and online community, suggests ways we can better plan for effective online course design and delivery.
This self-directed resource has been designed to help students navigate and understand the basics of GenAI. Exploring the resource at their own pace will give students an opportunity to focus on understanding some fundamental GenAI concepts, while also considering the pros and cons of using GenAI in their studies.
This project website enables students to champion the core values of academic integrity among their peers. These values comprise honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage, values to be cultivated in association with an ethos of compassion and concern.
We are delighted to welcome you to ‘You can UDL it!’ This collection brings together case studies from educators across DkIT, who have successfully implemented Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in their own practice. UDL provides a framework for making learning, teaching and assessment more inclusive, and helps to support all our learners.
DoubleSpace is a student-run online undergraduate journal for English literature that showcases the academic excellence of students enrolled on undergraduate English modules in UCC.