Maynooth University Library OER libguide


This guide has been developed in collaboration between the MU IUA Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning Initiative and MU Library to provide an introduction to the benefits and challenges associated with finding, using and sharing OERs in Teaching, Learning and Assessment.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

Using OER can provide a number of benefits to staff and students: Freely available at no cost to the institution, or to students; Opportunity to provide a wide variety of learning resources and activities to students ; Straightforward framework for licensing and attribution ; In some cases they can be adapted and tailored to your needs and context. This libguide introduces OER, the associated benefits & challenges as well as guidance on finding/sharing OER. A helpful bibliography of key outputs in this space is also available.

Related OER

This video serves as a guide for undergraduate engineering students, explaining soil mechanics fundamentals and demonstrating the liquid limit test. The tutorial emphasises hands-on procedures, equipment usage, and data interpretation, ensuring clarity for academic and practical applications in geotechnical engineering.

Assessment for Inclusion seeks to create equitable assessment and feedback practices, valuing diversity and ensuring fair treatment for all. This resource presents an evidence-based conceptual framework, including module and programme assessment design principles.

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