Enhancing TBL with technology- 5 tips: online TBL


A resource providing guidance on enhancing team-based learning (TBL) with technology.

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In the words of the authors, “TBL usually involves students and educators meeting in the same place at the same time. However, as technology has evolved, TBL practitioners have experimented with different ways of facilitating these stages outside of the physical classroom (Clark et al., 2018).
Such innovation has been necessitated by working with distance learning students (e.g. Palsole and Awalt, 2008) but also became more popular during the recent Covid-19 pandemic (e.g. Cross et al., 2020). Some authors (e.g. Gomez and Passerini, 2010) seek to use online technology to “continue the conversations” that occur beyond class time. Others have sought ways to make the most of live class time by running some TBL activities between classes. Here we share five tips to consider when planning for Online TBL. Further reading and links are also provided.””

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URL: https://research.thea.ie/handle/20.500.12065/3579