Learning Resources and Open Access in Higher Education Institutions in Ireland
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Learning Resources and Open Access in Higher Education Institutions in Ireland
A Snapshot of Non-Accredited Continuing Professional Development for those who Teach in Irish Higher Education
Teaching for Transitions: A Review of Teaching for Transitions Related Teaching and Learning Activity and Research
Transition from Second Level and Further Education to Higher Education
Case Study D: Identifying Students in Need of Targeted Support
‘Practicing what we preach’: an open resource on OER/OEP, Angelica Risquez, Catherine Cronin, Claire McAvinia and Celine Peignen
The potential benefits of using open educational resources and practices (OER and OEP) in higher education include improving access, furthering equity and enhancing teaching, learning and assessment. The National Forum supports the use of OER and OEP in a range of ways (see www.teachingandlearning.ie/open).
Digilanguages is a project funded by Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning, which aims to offer flexible support for language learners during various transition periods.
Part 2: Subtracting basic fractions by finding a common denominator.