The potential benefits of using open educational resources and practices (OER and OEP) in higher education include improving access, furthering equity and enhancing teaching, learning and assessment. The National Forum supports the use of OER and OEP in a range of ways (see
Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it
This webinar will be helpful to staff across the sector who are interested in further exploring and supporting the use of OER and OEP in their own contexts. The webinar will share a range of materials and guidance designed to build capacity in OER and OEP in Irish higher education and will invite conversation and feedback. Topics to be covered include: – Basic principles of OER and OEP and the importance of open in the digital age – Finding relevant, quality OER for use and/or adaptation for teaching and learning – Choosing and assigning an appropriate open licence for an educational resource you have created – Exploring the concepts of OEP and open pedagogy – All the resources and approaches shared will form the basis of a forthcoming (early 2022) National – Forum open course. The webinar will be facilitated by the developers of the open course, a cross-institutional team with a wide range of open education experience:
This video serves as a guide for undergraduate engineering students, explaining soil mechanics fundamentals and demonstrating the liquid limit test. The tutorial emphasises hands-on procedures, equipment usage, and data interpretation, ensuring clarity for academic and practical applications in geotechnical engineering.
Assessment for Inclusion seeks to create equitable assessment and feedback practices, valuing diversity and ensuring fair treatment for all. This resource presents an evidence-based conceptual framework, including module and programme assessment design principles.
An interdisciplinary team of academic and professional services staff collaborated to create a quality framework to scaffold stakeholder engagement in the development of physical learning spaces within Munster Technological University.
This project website enables students to champion the core values of academic integrity among their peers. These values comprise honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage, values to be cultivated in association with an ethos of compassion and concern.