A Snapshot of Non-Accredited Continuing Professional Development for those who Teach in Irish Higher Education


A Snapshot of Non-Accredited Continuing Professional Development for those who Teach in Irish Higher Education

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This is the third of three snapshot reports arising from the professional development consultation document: Mapping Professional Development Pathways for those who Teach in Higher Education. The purpose of these report is to provide focused in-depth coverage of key topics; accredited, non-accredited and disciplinary engagement with professional development.

The aim of this series of reports is to give readers the opportunity to delve selectively or comprehensively into the underpinning research and benchmarking activity that has informed the proposals and options outlined in the professional development consultation document. Based on structured data-gathering and analysis as well as active engagement with key personnel across the sector, these snapshot reports allow the current arrangements for professional development in Irish higher education to be described and interpreted further in the context of prevailing research literature. This report gives an overview of the non-accredited continuing professional development (CPD) activity currently delivered across the sector.

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