LEAF (Learning from and Engaging with Assessment and Feedback) Final project report


In the words of the authors, “this project sought to address a key issue in third level Teaching and Learning, that of assessment and assessment feedback. Assessment strategies have been shown to have a large impact on shaping how students learn and how they develop key employability skills. Learning from best practice nationally and internationally, and research from staff, students and quality documents, this project has developed a set of recommendations which will enhance practices in, and experiences of, assessments and feedback in TU Dublin”.

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“The recommendations from the LEAF project have emerged from the extensive collection of data from key informants, literature, students and staff as has been documented in section 3, and the piloting of assessment and feedback tools as outlined in section 4 and 5. They are divided in terms of the level at which the recommendation is situated: institutional, programme, module and student. It is recognized by the LEAF team that instigating change can be challenging, but this set of recommendations provides a basis from which to initiate discussions across the whole university and provides opportunities for a variety of different strategies which will improve the learning and teaching experience” state the authors on page 3 of their resource.

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URL: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=tfschcafrep