MAPpd is an outcomes-based suite of evaluative tools aimed at supporting institutions or programme teams who wish to align/map their teaching and learning programmes and modules with the National Professional Development Framework.
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MAPpd is an outcomes-based suite of evaluative tools aimed at supporting institutions or programme teams who wish to align/map their teaching and learning programmes and modules with the National Professional Development Framework.
Lost in Transition A Report on Enabling Success for Flexible Learners
This resource is an executive summary of a key literature review which stemmed from an interdisciplinary project that examines how qualitative and quantitative student feedback and evaluation of teaching methods, at module and programme level, can help to enhance student learning and contribute to the continuing professional development of staff who teach.
This resource stems from an interdisciplinary project that examines how qualitative and quantitative student feedback and evaluation of teaching methods, at module and programme level, can help to enhance student learning and contribute to the continuing professional development of staff who teach.
This guide has been developed in collaboration between the MU IUA Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning Initiative and MU Library to provide an introduction to the benefits and challenges associated with finding, using and sharing OERs in Teaching, Learning and Assessment.
The aim of the Student Success Toolbox is to support transitions from thinking about study to the first weeks to increase retention and completion rates particularly for flexible learners (undergraduate adult, part-time and online/distance students) as this is a significant problem in the Irish Higher Education sector.