Student Success Toolbox


The aim of the Student Success Toolbox is to support transitions from thinking about study to the first weeks to increase retention and completion rates particularly for flexible learners (undergraduate adult, part-time and online/distance students) as this is a significant problem in the Irish Higher Education sector.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

The project provides flexible learners with a suite of digital tools. These digital tools will assist flexible learners by helping them assess their own readiness, provide feedback and lay the foundation for successful programme completion. The digital tools will also assist teachers and institutions in providing personalised and strategically targeted feedback to potentially at risk students for learning in the digital world. The creators of the toolbox have made all their lessons available with Creative Commons also. See

Related OER

This project website enables students to champion the core values of academic integrity among their peers. These values comprise honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage, values to be cultivated in association with an ethos of compassion and concern.

We are delighted to welcome you to ‘You can UDL it!’ This collection brings together case studies from educators across DkIT, who have successfully implemented Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in their own practice. UDL provides a framework for making learning, teaching and assessment more inclusive, and helps to support all our learners.

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