This handbook, produced by OpenGame project with the support of the Erasmus+ programme, aims to contribute to the adoption of open teaching practices among educators in the Higher Education area. In order to do so, the document presents 24 real-life open teaching practices that respond to eight main challenges that educators face today and that can be tackled through open approaches. These challenges are: Broaden access to learning for enrolled students, Broaden access to learning for non-enrolled learners, Improve quality of teaching resources, Improve course design, Increase students motivation, Increase students engagement, Assess students in a useful way for their future career, Use the learning potential of students’ online life. For each of these challenges, we present three open teaching practices, detailing their potential for transferability and the competences needed to put them in place, ultimately aiming at inspiring educators to try out these methods to make their teaching more inclusive and innovative. Also, the document presents an original Open Education Competences Framework, structured around one transversal attitude, two competences areas (open resources and open pedagogies) and a number of detailed skills.
This report discusses the views of final year students and recent graduates who attended a TCD led, multi-institutional one-day workshop on what student success means to them, and what they identified as the facilitators of and barriers to achieving that success. The findings were based on the analysis of four types of inputs for the seminar: written submissions by students on the theme prior to the seminar and student talks, panel discussion and workshop discussions on the day of the seminar.
Student success is a broad concept. It is different for and personal to each student and changes with the student’s journey from initial entry to college through to graduation. In order to have a framework to discuss the concept at the seminar, a thematic analysis was done of the written submissions which students submitted prior to the seminar. Three broad categories of success identified from the written submissions: The three main categories of success identified by students were academic, personal and social. While initially academic success features predominantly, as students progress through their studies, they develop a more holistic perspective where personal and social success become increasingly important to them.