‘Practicing what we preach’: an open resource on OER/OEP, Angelica Risquez, Catherine Cronin, Claire McAvinia and Celine Peignen
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‘Practicing what we preach’: an open resource on OER/OEP, Angelica Risquez, Catherine Cronin, Claire McAvinia and Celine Peignen
Open Education Now. The potential benefits of open education are often considered in three areas: expanding access to education, enhancing pedagogy, and advancing equity.
This Webinar Explores National Forum’s Open Licensing Toolkit as a recent resource for HE Sector. https://www.teachingandlearning.ie/open
The potential benefits of using open educational resources and practices (OER and OEP) in higher education include improving access, furthering equity and enhancing teaching, learning and assessment. The National Forum supports the use of OER and OEP in a range of ways (see www.teachingandlearning.ie/open).
An EDTL project webinar detailing copyright law and open licenses for digital learning.
This book represents a starting point towards curating and centering marginal voices and non-dominant epistemic stances in open education, an attempt at critical pluriversalism.