Hi my name is catherine cronin, IÕm with the national forum and on behalf of all the team who you'll meet in just a moment like to welcome you to this webinar i'm using open educational resources and open educational practices for teaching and learning there's a team of four of us who have developed a resource in this area in consultation with many people across the sector and the purpose of the webinar today is not just to share the resource but to focus on conversation um about it because we'd like to learn um from you as well so the hashtag we'll be using if you want to tweet or talk about this beyond the webinar is nf open and we will record the webinar and share it after today we'll share it with you um if you if you signed up for the webinar you'll get a link and as i said the resource that we're sharing today had four co-developers and we are going to be the presenters in the webinar we're all here uh as well as some members of the national forum team supporting us so again i'm catherine cronin i'm a strategic education developer with the national forum for digital and open education hello everyone i'm claire macavinia i'm a learning development officer at the lttc in tu dublin and currently on part-time's to comment as an educational developer with the national forum yesterday everyone i'm celine pina i'm deputy librarian in network risk is the technology educational developer at the center of transformative learning in ul okay wonderful thanks everyone um our outline for today is very straightforward we wanted to start the webinar just by giving a little bit of rationale about where this work came from and the rationale for it uh and then we'll um share the link and give a brief tour of the resource and give you some time to um to have a look at it to speak with each other about it and then broaden that out to a larger discussion and q a session but we do have one reminder before we start talking about the webinar i'll just hand over to claire just for a moment thank you catherine yeah this is one of the national webinar series which we have advertised on the site uh recently and you can see the dates here on catherine's slide um and the purpose of these uh webinars is to address really what we've discovered over the past year particularly the increasing need for agility in relation to curriculum teaching assessment and policy in our sector and we're being called upon to be very adaptable in our face-to-face blended online context so we're addressing that through these webinars the next one on it on the 15th of april we'll be looking at agile curricula that follows through to another in june we have two on assessment in the meantime particularly focusing on issues arising over the past year during the pandemic a further webinar on digital and the final one in october looking at transforming teaching and learning for student success okay great thanks claire um i know that we have a very many oer and oep experts and champions uh in the room today but we also expect that maybe some people might be new to oer and oep so just on the order of first principles we wanted to start with the definition of the terms that we use you know in the name in the name of this resource so oer being open educational resources which um as many people know are not just free resources but free resources that have been openly licensed to permit reuse adaptation and so on and oep is open educational practices which is kind of a higher level of abstraction from oer and really about how we use oer particularly in teaching and learning so that's what we're talking about when we refer to oer noap and um just a little bit about where this emerged it's you know it didn't just emerge out of nowhere um the there's been a steady evolution of work um certainly in the sector and specifically in the national forum in the area of oer and oep so going back to 2015 the national forum published a research report called learning resources and open access in higher education institutions in ireland both angelic and claire um worked on that report and that looked at really the the attitudes and knowledge around open you know across the irish higher education sector things have progressed a lot since that time in 2019 we had a formal consultation the national forum with colleagues in teaching and learning and libraries from across a number of institutions just to glean what how people were supporting um open education practice across higher education and what the national forum could do to support that so we hosted a webinar with a speaker from creative commons excuse me about oer and open licensing we had follow-on conversations again more broadly and we learned that um what was needed and what was requested were targeted resources there's an awful lot of information about oer um specifically uh online but what were needed were irish he focused specific resources that's what would be most helpful so in later 2019 we published the national forum open licensing toolkit and those conversations and engagement continued um we learned that a lot a question a lot of people have when they started openly licensing their resources to make them into oer was that they weren't sure which license to choose there are a number of different creative commons licenses so in 2020 we published a guide um called how to choose an open license and again we've had conversations and we've supported work that's going on in institutions in these areas of course in the light of all that's happened in 2020 we know that there were a lot of people looking at open education for the first time so we tried to amplify what was going on in the sector we shared some of that work in a in an open education week list of um of oer activities across the sector um and now this resource sharing um using oer and oep for teaching and learning um is kind of a combination of that previous work so i'll hand over to claire because we'd like to know a little bit about you and maybe why you're here um in the webinar thank you again catherine and and welcome everyone it's it's wonderful to have such a strong response to the webinar today and to this topic area and we thought it would be useful to um to ask you um really about what's brought you here today what's your main area of interest and activity with regard to open what do you do what would you like to do regarding oer and oep so we have a little poll there i can see uh somebody's uh answered already um please feel free to respond there that's great we'll leave it up just for about a half a minute to let you respond quickfire and then we'll share the results on that so whether it's about learning more finding examples extending your practice helping others sharing your oer oep more widely finding collaborators or maybe doing some more open education research i'll just leave it for a couple seconds more nearly everyone has responded now at this point um so just give it a couple more seconds okay i'm going to end the poll just for now by all means continue in the chat and we'll have more chance for discussion later and i'll share the results with you there so here we go so yeah i think um many of us would like to learn more and i mean speaking for myself there always is more to learn around this topic and working with colleagues and this process has been so valuable for me so we all i think are engaged with learning more and supporting others it's lovely to see that coming through in the result here um because this is such a collaborative activity and i think we'll see that coming through over the course of the webinar today examples again we got this very practical um nature of our work particularly at the moment um so that's reflected in your result there um and to extend our open practices absolutely hopefully i think you'll find something in the webinar in the course of today that will will respond to all of those uh answers that you've given there to the the poll okay so we'll move along and i'll stop the sharing there for a minute and thanks claire that's great thank you okay um that's really useful just knowing that some people here are beginners or want to learn more and some people are already supporting others um this was very much our intention in developing the resource was that we thought it could be useful for people who just want to learn more as individuals but also to those who are already supporting others in their institutions in their in open practice and trying to build open capabilities in institutions so again um we want to support um all those levels of use but we also want to learn from you about what you're doing so just some four key features um about the project that we wanted to share before we before we share the url and that's just the ethos behind it the purpose what we hope the purpose would be the focus on collaboration and community as i said and looking to the future about what next so um to start with um this resource is really about the use of oer as i said an oep for teaching and learning but underlying open um for anybody who would call themselves an open education practitioner is a sense of an open ethos so we just wanted to speak a little bit about that about you know kind of the shared values that we had um in developing this work and really that is about the potential of open education and we share a belief that open educational resources and practices have potential potential benefits in three main areas and these are increasing access furthering equity and enhancing pedagogy so um i'll just go through each of these just briefly um in terms of access this is you know if you read anything about open educational resources this is probably the first word that you'll see open educational resources are about increasing access to education so in our case if we're looking at the context of irish higher education we are thinking about access for students access for teachers and all who support teaching and learning and really access for anyone although we know it's not literally anyone because there's a certain level of knowledge and skills um and meaningful connectivity that people need to have to access oer generally but when we share resources as oer um as individuals we're sharing value across the education sector and far beyond and oftentimes you never know who might use your open resources um and so they said there's they're shared sometimes with a real sense of humility about saying this is something i've developed that's useful and others may find it useful as well so i'm sharing it with an open license the second area um where we feel that oer and oap have potential is in the area of um furthering equity and of course this is this is central as well in most discussions of open education it's always been a key feature of the ethos of openness but it's been particularly so in the past year and you know we've discussed that um as a group and in the national forum that you know whatever any of us might have known about inequality you know before 2020 we certainly know a lot more now based on all that has happened in the past year so in terms of furthering equity oer can reduce overall costs for students um if if teachers are using open textbooks and open resources well we are have what we call persistent availability in other words something like an open textbook or an open resource that's used for teaching is available before during and after um a module as well as during any breaks and study so again we know from studies done by the usi and others that you know financial hardship that students might have been experiencing has certainly been exacerbated in the past year so the fact that those resources are available persistently um can be really powerful um we are also open for addressing diversity equity and inclusion so we've all had the experience of using a resource for teaching that we feel is not inclusive in terms of gender in terms of race in terms of culture in terms of gender identity you know many different ways so when we use open resources they are editable and we can add perspectives that might be missing um specifically to better represent um local and and marginalized identities and finally oer you know more broadly support sustainable development goal number four which is ensuring inclusive and quality education for all and finally in the area of pedagogy we could probably talk about this the most and there's a there's a large part of the resource that um that addresses open pedagogy and oep but as i mentioned oer can be adapted and used for specific context so you can add you can add language you can add perspectives you can add case studies that are relevant for your students your location your module students can co-create oer as well so we can move away from single authored resources for teaching and learning and get students to engage in creating and co-creating knowledge it also opens up a lot of opportunities in the area of authentic assessment so for example students in the course of learning or the course of assessment actually creating resources that can be open and used by the community used by others and thereby contributing to public knowledge and of course all of these activities are really powerful ways to develop digital literacies learning about licensing learning about copyright learning about oer our digital literacies and capabilities that students can take you know well beyond their current module um diversifying the curriculum i mentioned already and the potential for local and global collaboration are are enormous um and you know certainly we can talk more about that but you know by thinning the walls of the classroom um as is often said and you know helping students to engage with students in other modules and other institutions in other countries we open up a lot of possibilities in terms of um collaboration and pointing towards you know what bell hooks calls education as the practice of freedom so in addition to this shared ethos about what open education is and can be in relation to higher education each of the four of us who develop this brings a personal commitment to open education as well so we just wanted to share that really briefly because we all brought something different i suppose to the project so in my case my role in the national forum is to support open educational practice in the irish higher education sector but i also have um a long-term commitment personally to um using critical approaches to open education both research and practice um and claire thank you catherine i think um for me my um encounter with open educational resources in the first instance was through supporting colleagues to use the virtual learning environment in my previous role and we were still calling them things like learning objects um which was perhaps quite a content content-oriented focus at that time and it's great to see it has evolved well beyond that to something that is collaborative and community focused and now is it is talked about as open educational practice and something i've endeavored to reflect through my work as an academic developer and getting participants in programs to engage with it and to produce their own oer i'm going to hand over to angelica i think from my perspective as an educational developer i believe i have a role in being an advocate for open practice is part of my own teaching and scholarly philosophy i'm particularly interested in the ways that oep can work in a community of practice and the interesting benefits of that and the ways that it can serve to perhaps address teachers concerns around time management and content recreation uh copyright compliance and so on so that would be my view and celine i think as well thank you angelica well for me really embracing openness in my profession the library profession where we know knowledge and resources are far too often kept behind payroll that was my main motivation to join the team i want to support library colleagues to raise awareness of open practices and oer in the academic community i think we need to start rethink collection development to incorporate oer and we need to encourage collaboration with our colleagues to start using reusing and why not publishing oer so angelica do you want to bring us to the purpose of the resource thanks helene yeah so it paying some attention to the purpose of this initiative as kathryn was saying before many resources exist around oer and oep for there's a need to localize and contextualize these to a nourished context by bringing for example relevant information and learning about copyright law or oip experiences and so on and on the other hand we are aware that many many pockets of expertise and practice around the country many of you would be involved in those and there's a need to curate those and so we learned for example recently during open education week about a great work with libguides and many more so that was the the rationale of it but ultimately if we move on to the next slides uh thank you was we are aiming to to build this capacity open capacity in the arizona sector i it was very interesting to see the result of that poll that many of you it's are coming here with that main motivation and we are interested in opening that discussion and that community discussion about the ways that oep and oer can permeate through through the sector so uh claire will actually bring that point forward thank you angelica and i think yes um we're calling on you to comment to feedback on the resource um following on from today but building on a tradition of a lot of collaboration and community focus in relation to this work over many years in ireland and we're fortunate in ireland to have had that and so from the early 2000s we've seen initiatives around the development and the sharing of oer in ireland um people might remember the national digital learning repository from quite a long time ago now 2004 five later it was called national digital learning resources that was from the era of big repositories which has sort of come and gone a little bit we collaborated internationally at that time as well though with colleagues in the uk who were working with joram and the center for excellence for example in uh reusable learning objects again was the label at the time and a collaborative model very quickly emerged through the ndlr communities of practice the local innovation projects that were undertaken at that time and many of those links are still there and people are still working together and subsequently as catherine has mentioned the national forum after it was launched and began to undertake research and development in this area funded focused research around learning resources and open access in higher education institutions and that work was undertaken by the former ndlr partners librarians people to develop that community of practice in the sector in relation to oer and to develop oep again through those relationships again that's been strengthened by the professional development framework which the forum has been uh working towards for some years and then subsequently launched in 2016 through our own accredited programs and initiatives in the institutions um also through the open courses which again developed in the open available openly and to enable colleagues to work towards their goals in terms of the pd framework and it's our hope that this resource will develop over time to become a further open course within that suite leading to a digital badge and through all of our work that we can model oep to colleagues in this way through teaching and learning development practice through how we work with people who teach through the work of the forum that that development is a shared endeavor and not located with any one team or initiative i'm going to pass over to celine to talk a little bit more about the future as we see it emerging thank you claire well the resources is here now so it's here to support the development of open capability across the irish higher education sector it will support oer and oep champions in the sector and many of whom are here today i'm talking about staff in teaching and learning units library colleagues the academic community and of course the results will support students with access to more varied resources at zero cost and the introduction of open pedagogy to support collaborative work for example the resources is here also to help libraries to support students with various learning needs using a diversified and targeted range of resources libraries have a crucial role to play in ensuring access to new resources and equity for all stakeholders as we know this can be achieved by including for example oer in future collection development policies by supporting the inclusion of oer in reading lists directing staff who teach towards oer and when researching new material and of course encouraging them to adopt adapt and why not publish open educational resources now the next point here is a really exciting point the resources also help to increase collaboration in our sector towards the new national resource hub of who we are for teaching and learning so that's a very exciting development having our own there next slide please okay so we have the resource let's think even further what if what if this resource could inspire irish higher education institutions to invest in open publishing tools for example in platforms to support staff and to ensure access to er for students even better could our resource encourage staff who teach to adapt adopt create sharia to boost the presence of irish higher education created oer at national and also in international hubs and platforms so i think it's now a time to share the resource with you all yes so we've done a lot of talking about this resource but we haven't really shared the resource so i think we need to do that um and we are happy to share it with all of you today but you're the first people to um to see it um outside of our small group of developers and reviewers um it is a work in progress and um i think claire you shared the link in the chat yes thank you um it's a work in progress and we just wanted to um to reinforce that um we hope it will be useful and supplement and complement the work that's already going on in institutions but we really also want to hear back what you're doing and what might be included in the resource so claire is going to do a little bit of a walk through and then we're going to break up um into small groups just to have some smaller discussions with you about how you think the resource might be used thank you catherine i hope everyone can see the resource on the screen share now so you have the link to this in the chat and we invite you to open it into your own web browsers or into a separate tab and you should see this landing page and we encourage you to use the start here button to begin and just to guide in terms of navigation briefly there are four main sections you can access them from here on the landing page uh through clicking on the images or the more info um but those menus are replicated across the top as well so we'll just visit one of them here so we can go into understanding open and you'll see you have the drop down appearing there but also then this nice visual uh tile format on the page so you can begin to work through the resource in this way so again just to visit one piece of this to show you how that will look you keep again the menu on the sidebar here to enable you to to walk through it easily at any stage and we have um previous and next also later in the page for you to use and you'll note that we have fields open for comments and feedback within each section of the resource if you prefer not to do that in the resource itself um there is some provision around keeping your details private there but additionally there's an option to email feedback and we do really warmly invite feedback and comment to enable the further development of the resource and the final piece there is all the resources that um we have used to help develop this uh and to bring it to this point uh at this stage today okay so i'll return to the home page and i think um i think at this stage we'll get ready to to move into the next part of the session thank you we um what we'd like to do now i know that a couple of people have to leave early but we're hoping that many of you might stay around to speak with each other as you look through the resource and maybe to share some ideas and some questions that you have so we're just going to um post a list of sample questions um to prompt discussion please don't feel constrained by those we really would just like to break into um our breakout rooms um they'll be randomly allocated there'll be one person in the breakout room who's a facilitator it'll be either a member of um the project team one of the four of us or someone from the national forum um and we'll just stay in those breakout rooms for we have about um 15 minutes um to do that and then we'll come back to the large group and deal with any um larger questions or comments okay so i hope that you'll stay around to do that we look forward to hearing from you um i'm not sure yet what happened in the other breakout rooms but it was really lovely to be able to have a smaller chat um about what we're doing some really thought-provoking questions um i would like to ask anyone if if perhaps some questions came up in your breakout room that um that you weren't able to have answered or that you thought were really important that you wanted to share with the big group please put them in the chat um because we can we have a little bit of time just in this larger q a um i'll mention something that came up in the room i was in just to reiterate that this resource is licensed with a creative commons cc by license it is one of the most permissive and open licenses that that one can use and it simply means that you can use the resource in whole or in part to do whatever you'd like with it you can use it in whole you can take it apart use pieces of it adapt it whatever you like and all that's required is attribution you know to to the national forum that's it so um we would really like um people to use it um so any any other um any of the other breakout rooms have anything come up that they'd like to share back brian see you i see your question here we have a vast amount of resources developed this year how can we exploit them and ensure they're not lost after lockdown institutional or national approach or via the forum um is ronan here ronan would you like to speak i am yes um this is i suppose a wonderful introduction to the the area of of resources in ireland and we are also working on designing and developing a national resource hub so the national forum has a resource hub on its website and what we've been doing over the last few months is engaging with the sector to find out i suppose features and discussions around resources and how they won't like them presented so we're actually working on the idea of a national resource hub where we'll have open education resources for the the irish context and in a very searchable very findable way and that means that the resources as people populate and contribute would be able to tag and metadata um i suppose tag them with metadata to support that so that's going on and it's due to be launched in the middle of june and that'll be a place where people can find look for resources network and also develop i suppose contribute and uh even submit their resources to be included so it'll be a really good build on this and i think that's something that will will really help the sector and and what you've seen here today um it'll really support it thank you so much ronan and that is due to the the first development of that will be released in june is that the plan yes middle of june yep yep june 18th i think yeah that's the plan okay um yeah so really the the main purpose of this resource is about building capacity you know open education capacity within the irish higher education sector and the hub is going to be you know a space where people can can share you know share and search for resources um questions now um the resource looks great james brenton i think in the early section showing why oap some voice there could possibly be reframed in terms of practical problems that could be solved using a particular oep do you find that students do not have textbooks using an open textbook would remove barriers to obtaining the textbook indeed james and these are just the kinds of things we know there's experience in the irish higher education sector in many of the areas that are in the resource so like you james view you've experienced in this that's just the kind of feedback that we would like to get and we can we would like to continually improve um the resource with that knowledge that's in the sector so thank you for that um and just that we'd like everybody to know that as well if you if you read a particular page or section and just think oh i know something wonderful that could be included here let us know there's a comment box as claire said on every page of the resource okay thanks geraldine um any other questions perhaps from either maybe the facilitators at the breakout rooms would like to relay any key questions i i would like to comment on an interesting conversation that um took place in the room in terms of those boundaries and that culture uh that may exist in the in the kitchen population around intellectual property of resources and the possible barriers and resistance points i suppose um perhaps any of the members in in in my group would like to elaborate on that for free um but basically yes i think so you're coming on my casinos i'm just coming in sorry hi everybody hi um thank you my my question in the room was because i've been working around on sort of academic integrity issues and around academic misconduct as well recently recently and i wondered what the relationship is between oer and the opportunities for abuse particularly by websites such as jeg or um any of those other sort of file sharing um online services yeah i mean that that's um that's a question sue that's um i suppose in the philosophy of um doing something that fosters and supports learning and teaching and that furthers equity for a lot of very good reasons we don't want to stop that because there's a risk that some people may abuse it i mean people just like chegg uses might use oer they use proprietary materials as well so that i mean it's kind of a separate issue i think the point about sharing open educational resources is for example oer assignments what educators who use oer assignments have found is that inviting students to create oer as part of their assignments moving beyond this private transaction between a teacher and student to create something that's going to be shared openly enables kind of a great investment in the work high motivation embracing student agency they get to work on something that they feel is really important and the quality of the work is often very high and not you know reproducible by anyone else because it's about what the student is interested in engaging with and sharing with the public um under their name yeah it's a very you know it's a very broad discussion but open can support um academic integrity in different ways rather than locking down but just you know opening up i would like to conquer that point catherine and you kind of suppose opposed points to the interplay between uh or the overlapping of academic integrity and open educational practice i see it around the area of authentic assessment and that is the where the scope for i suppose more creative design teaching design perhaps may take place but happy to have that conversation in more detail as well sue you know given the work that you're doing can i come in there a second yes yeah a discussion and ours came up around um well two one thing which is already been answered about the checklist but the second thing was about you know sharing of what we practiced somebody suggested perhaps you know you could have scenarios or videos with people who have pushed you know gone gone and done oep practices and how they've worked out you know because for for for some members of our group but it's important like they understand how we are and all that but it's actually putting it into practice and what that looks like in a real scenario um and this is people who are teaching katrina yeah teaching or supporting others who teach yeah one one of the things that we um have mentioned of throughout the resource is just about finding colleagues within your institution i mean and good places to look are teaching and learning centered library you know first parts of call sometimes you might find colleagues you know in your discipline as well but once you learn what the nuts and bolts are really it becomes more of a kind of community effort where you can kind of talk about um talk about these things but the expertise around licensing around repositories all those kinds of things should be in um your library and or your teaching and learning center so um it's hard to answer questions you know specifically about you know individual institutions but all libraries have open access policies for example um and oer is really about leveraging a lot of what we already know about open access of research outputs and applying that to teaching and learning resources i suppose it's more about the applying it part how is it applied are there examples of where it's being applied and perhaps have a couple examples there like you know when i have these oers i'm i want to be an open access pedagogical person how do i actually go about that give me examples of where this has been done in other institutions in wherever you know that kind of thing section 4.1 in the resource um is has a list of um examples samples that is linked okay yes okay thanks catherine that probably answers the question then fair play great thanks there was a suggestion in our room that we we might over time develop maybe some video testimonials or clips with with academics as well so i think i think that would just pick up on that point and hopefully we might have this the scope to do that later on that's a great idea yep okay and and once again just the the notion that um you know today is kind of a point in time of a conversation but we'd you know the resource is a resource of course but we also would like to use it as just a way of communicating people sharing so in the chat here or um you know in the actual resource please put links to you know relevant resources that you'd like to share with the community we'd be delighted um we have time for maybe one more question and then i'm just going to wrap up i want to respect people's time and and and when we said we would okay or now you you're mentioning there that there's a new guide at dcu yeah i'm sorry i i probably would have been faster just to say it hi hi apologies for coming so late yeah we have a lovely collaboration between ourselves in the open education unit and the library and we've put together uh quite a simple resource uh called go open a beginner's guide to open education and it kind of is is is trying to get people started on those roads it's got some examples that explain some of the terminology because what we found just getting to grips with some of the terminology takes a bit of time so it's a nice digital resource it's at the designers at the moment and we're going to have a launch event with your your good self featured catherine uh at the end of april it's also going to be a lib guide on the dcu library website so it's quite a nice bit of work and it was from a small bit of seed funding from the forum so they'll be in a i'll i'll circulate the details maybe closer with an invite okay all welcome okay that's brilliant sorry your sound cut out there for a minute thank you so much thanks for sharing that um i'm just going to share my screen once one more time here is that showing okay just a really quick reminder about the date of our next webinar and then we'll um we'll we'll say thank you and wrap up after that um claire can i hand over to you thank you catherine and thanks so much for the opportunity just to to mention this again and we'd warmly encourage and invite everyone to join the subsequent webinars particularly the next one on 15th of april same time 12 30. we're going to open this discussion around the agile curriculum stemming as i said earlier from the hci pillar three initiatives which have really foregrounded this concept of agility in relation to program design in irish higher education institutions so we'll be hearing from five of those projects to share their understandings and where their work is taking them in relation to that at that point and also hearing from a couple of employers again to enrich the discussion and that will continue in the subsequent webinar and into a national forum in sight later in the year so we do really encourage and welcome your participation in the discussion around that theme thanks claire um and finally i mean is this an overwhelming slide or not this is just shows you how much we want to be in touch with you so um as i said today is just a starting point um we applaud support and really want to maintain contact with everyone in the sector who's doing work in this area we thank all the colleagues who did open work nationally and internationally that has become part of this resource and we want to keep it going so please be in touch with any of the four of us who were the developers here um there's an open at teaching and learning.i.e if you want to just communicate with the team as a whole and of course with any of us in the national forum so really thanks so much for your time today um and for all your work and um best of luck and hopefully hear from you