Using Learning Analytics to Support the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
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Using Learning Analytics to Support the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
An Introduction to the Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining for Learning Impact Project
This report looks at the major recurring themes in a number of exemplar international analytics policies and highlights the actions institutions may wish to take in developing their own policies and strategies
Analytics is invaluable for answering questions, but impact can only be achieved by acting on the answers. This guide outlines some of the key considerations for developing effective data-informed student interventions.
Although bespoke platforms are not essential for developing a data-informed approach, for any institution that is considering doing so, identifying the right platform is important. This document lists a number of essential considerations for opting for a reporting system that is right for your institution’s reporting needs.
Collaboration and consultation are essential for whole-of-institution approaches. This resource outlines some of the colleagues that you may wish to consider working with to develop your approach.
This guide introduces a number of innovative reporting systems currently in use in Irish institutions.
This guide details some of the key reporting features in Blackboard that can be of benefit to staff who teach that wish to employ a data-informed approach to their practice.
This guide details some of the key reporting features in Moodle that can be of benefit to staff who teach that wish to employ a data-informed approach to their practice.
This guide details some of the key reporting features in Sakai that can be of benefit to staff who teach that wish to employ a data-informed approach to their practice.
Case Study K: Using Standard Moodle Reports to Identify AtRisk Students in an Online Course
Case Study L: Using Examination Data Analysis Forms to Implement Year-on-Year Module Improvements
Case Study M: Developing a Cost-Neutral Tracker of Student Workload Distribution