EdTech Seminar Series – Dr Donna Lanclos


The intention of the work is to help academic staff connect and learn from each other, as well as providing insights into what people are doing in digital teaching and learning spaces, and what support in terms of technology, space, and professional development will facilitate excellent and engaged teaching and learning experiences, for staff and students alike.

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As part of the MTU Multi Campus Engagement initiative, Dr Lanclos has been conducting qualitative research into the academic practices of teaching staff at the institutions that now form the new Munster Technological University. Rather than “starting from the future”, as it were, this collaborative project sought to examine and recognise the current workflows and digital teaching practices present in what was then ITT and CIT. Through a qualitative approach, the project represents existing teaching and learning practices via in-depth interviews and qualitative analysis, with a particular focus on how and why technology is used, and the impact of digital places and tools on teaching and learning. The intention of the work is to help academic staff connect and learn from each other, as well as providing insights into what people are doing in digital teaching and learning spaces, and what support in terms of technology, space, and professional development will facilitate excellent and engaged teaching and learning experiences, for staff and students alike.

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We are delighted to welcome you to ‘You can UDL it!’ This collection brings together case studies from educators across DkIT, who have successfully implemented Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in their own practice. UDL provides a framework for making learning, teaching and assessment more inclusive, and helps to support all our learners.

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URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7jJ0iYwSC0