Planning Teaching in an Outcomes-based Curriculum
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
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Planning Teaching in an Outcomes-based Curriculum
In part of this resource is an example of a teaching plan (these are sometimes called lesson plans). You may be surprised that it does not include a section on content. Many teachers still think of planning a teaching session in terms of making a list of the content to be covered; but this approach can lead to problems because it focuses on what the teacher will do without sufficient thought being given to what the students might do. The learner-centred model of Higher Education, however, requires a clear focus on what students need to do in order to maximise their marks. It requires that teaching sessions (and courses) should be described in terms of what it is that the students should be able to do on completion. Statements that describe what it is the students should be able to do at the end of a session are called intended outcomes or outcomes for short. A template for a teaching plan is also included.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.
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