Assessed Group-work: A framework and guidelines


This resource has been developed to provide a framework for programme teams and lecturers to consider the role and place of group-work in their programmes and teaching and to plan and manage it in a way that enhances learning and promotes a positive student experience.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

This document has been designed to provide a framework for thinking about group-work in a structured way and making decisions at each stage in the process: Programme Development; Module Planning; Assessing and Monitoring and Supporting. The flowchart shown in Figure 1 illustrates the process and identifies key questions to answer at each stage. The guidelines then deal with each stage in more depth.

Related OER

This OER is from a collection of ‘MU: UDL & U’ Plus One resources created by Maynooth University colleagues with the support of HEA PATH4 funding.

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