Webinar: 10 simple rules for supporting a temporary online pivot in higher education
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Webinar: 10 simple rules for supporting a temporary online pivot in higher education
An EDTL webinar focusing on Considering Content & Activities
An EDTL webinar focusing on Considering Communication & Engagement
An EDTL webinar providing some key points around assessment in an online era.
An EDTL webinar presenting the importance of student partnership underpinning the EDTL project, with students being the heart and core feeding through each of the themes of the work.
An EDTL project webinar where the project team reflect on the results from the National Forum’s overall INDEx survey results and report.
A reflection on the impact of COVID-19 on teaching online, this webinar also presents aspects of the EDTL project to support this transition.
What just happened?, Reflections on how Higher Education responded to the COVID 19 crisis
An EDTL project webinar detailing copyright law and open licenses for digital learning.
An EDTL project webinar detailing the launch of DCU’s Universal Design Learning (UDL) Toolkit.