A collection of essays on and case studies of the various characteristics and uses of teaching portfolios and teaching portfolio programmes, this handbook provides an overview of national practice in portfolio development and use in Ireland, and evidences outcomes in terms of learning and/or achievement.
Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it
How you use this book depends on your purpose in reading it. You may choose to read from beginning to end or to browse through the contents list before choosing a pathway. If you are an educational developer charged with setting up a programme on teaching portfolios, you might be advised to read Section One for an overview of the various models available before looking more closely at those case studies that most relate to the purposes of your proposed teaching portfolio. If you are a third-level teacher interested in reflecting on and documenting your teaching, you might like to read those case studies that focus on reflection; similarly, if you are thinking of applying for promotion or a teaching excellence award, you may prefer to read those case studies that document programmes with these goals. If you have never written a teaching philosophy statement, or are wondering what reflective writing is, then Section One may be a good place to start.
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