EdTech Seminar Series – Professor Gilly Salmon


Now and Next: Thoughts, models and Practice for 2021 and beyond.

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Professor Gilly Salmon considers how we can grasp the disruption. She suggests means, practices and techniques for speedily creating student engagement through our teaching. She investigates concepts, evidence and practice that have stood the test of time but are suitable for 2021: collaborative design, equivalence and scaffolding through her 5-stage model and “e-tivities” …and chances a look to the future of Education 4.0.

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We are delighted to welcome you to ‘You can UDL it!’ This collection brings together case studies from educators across DkIT, who have successfully implemented Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in their own practice. UDL provides a framework for making learning, teaching and assessment more inclusive, and helps to support all our learners.

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URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXUW5UlgRf8