Building Digital Teaching and Learning Capabilities in Higher Education


Carina Ginty, Jessica Duffy


Connacht Ulster Alliance


Teaching and Learning


Accessibility and Inclusion, Digital Learning, Digital World, Professional Development



Media Format



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In this special publication, colleagues from across the Connacht Ulster Alliance (CUA), including GMIT, IT Sligo and LYIT, share insights and innovations on their teaching and learning practice over the last 18 months. Many will touch on their experiences of adapting to remote learning and teaching during COVID, and also reflect on lessons learnt and plans for the future. The Knowledge Platform forms part of the iNOTE project, funded by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) Ireland.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

There are 20 interesting and engaging case studies, that have been prepared by 30+ contributors from across the CUA. The cases will be presented across eight themes including: Theme 1: Building Digital Teaching and Learning Capabilities Theme 2: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Theme 3: Transforming Assessment Theme 4: Student Engagement and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Theme 5: Supporting Students in an Online Learning Environment Theme 6: Supporting Academics in an Online Teaching Environment Theme 7: Embedding Employability Theme 8: Students as Partners and Co-creators

Related OER

We are delighted to welcome you to ‘You can UDL it!’ This collection brings together case studies from educators across DkIT, who have successfully implemented Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in their own practice. UDL provides a framework for making learning, teaching and assessment more inclusive, and helps to support all our learners.

This series of videos presents an abstract from the Croí process where individuals are guided to define their personal (or core) and professional values, and to identify actions they can take that will help them to develop a career that better aligns their personal and professional values and lives.

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