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‘AT Hive’ is a web based resource by AHEAD that aims to impart information about the large area of Assistive Technology that supports students students with disabilities. These technologies and tools help people who may have challenges with reading, writing, organisation, motivation as well as much more so explore the wide range of apps and tools.

Executive Summary: Maynooth University Student Feedback and Teaching Evaluation Initiative: Literature Review Executive Summary.

This resource is an executive summary of a key literature review which stemmed from an interdisciplinary project that examines how qualitative and quantitative student feedback and evaluation of teaching methods, at module and programme level, can help to enhance student learning and contribute to the continuing professional development of staff who teach.

Accessibility Thrives

The Centre for Educational Development (CED) at Queens University have designed the THRIVES acronym to help you to easily remember key accessibility considerations which will help to comply with UK digital accessibility legislation. 

Accessibility Thrives

BCcampus Open Education Accessibility Toolkit

Welcome to BCcampus Open Education’s Accessibility Toolkit – 2nd Edition. This support resource was written for open textbook authors—and others involved in writing and publishing—to create a truly open and accessible textbook.