A set of posters on how to design for accessibility

A set of posters on how to design for accessibility



UK Home Office


Teaching & Learning


Accessibility & Inclusion



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These posters show how you can make your service accessible for different access needs.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

Home Office Digital’s goal is to make exceptional services for everyone. Understanding accessibility means we can build services that work for everyone, whatever their access need. These posters show how you can make your service accessible for different access needs. They focus on supporting in areas such as with users on the autistic spectrum, users of screen readers, users with low vision, users with dyslexia, users with physical or motor disabilities, users who are deaf or hard of hearing and for users with anxiety.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license, allowing sharing and adaptation for non-commercial use with proper attribution, provided derivative works use the same license.

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UK Home Office (2021). A set of posters on how to design for accessibility. National Resource Hub (Ireland). Retrieved from: https://hub.teachingandlearning.ie/resource/a-set-of-posters-on-how-to-design-for-accessibility/ License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA).

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URL: https://ukhomeoffice.github.io/accessibility-posters/posters/accessibility-posters.pdf