Soil Mechanics and the Liquid Limit Test


This video serves as a guide for undergraduate engineering students, explaining soil mechanics fundamentals and demonstrating the liquid limit test. The tutorial emphasises hands-on procedures, equipment usage, and data interpretation, ensuring clarity for academic and practical applications in geotechnical engineering.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

This OER offers support to undergraduate engineering students by simplifying complex soil mechanics concepts through clear, practical demonstrations like the liquid limit test. Students can enhance their learning by using this resource to reinforce lecture material, prepare for laboratory sessions, and develop a deeper understanding of geotechnical engineering practices. Furthermore, by integrating this video into study, or group discussions, students can use the resources to revise or reinforce their learning.

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This series of videos presents an abstract from the Croí process where individuals are guided to define their personal (or core) and professional values, and to identify actions they can take that will help them to develop a career that better aligns their personal and professional values and lives.

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