Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey Report Launch Event

Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey Report Launch Event



National Forum


Teaching & Learning


Digital Learning, Student Success



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This online event held on 7 May 2020 takes place at a time of unprecedented global challenge in which the importance of confident, supported engagement with digital technology has become clear to all.

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The National Forum, in partnership with higher education institutions across the country, held an online launch of the INDEx Report on 7 May 2020.

In autumn 2019, as part of the Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey, 25,484 students and 4,445 staff who teach across 34 Irish higher education institutions shared their digital experiences in order to inform and influence the future enhancement of digital teaching and learning in Irish higher education. The tagline for the INDEx Survey, ‘Let’s see where we are so we can build our future together’, reflected the collaborative and focused intentions behind the Survey.

During a time of great change, the INDEx Survey findings provide a unique record of the digital experiences of a diverse range of students and staff in higher education nationally – an important benchmark for our sector.

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