Harnessing the Era of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Primer for Higher Education Stakeholders






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AI is expected to bring about profound changes for the higher education sector, presenting numerous opportunities as well as serious and urgent challenges that must be addressed in the transition towards AI-driven systems. This chapter provides a Practical Guide targeted at higher education leaders, setting out actionable recommendations and steps that can be taken at an institutional level to adapt to AI in a responsible and ethical manner. The Practical Guide has been designed with HEIs in resource-constrained contexts in mind, but it is also intended to be flexible and responsive to a range of local/ global institutional and regulatory situations. It signals actions that affect internal capacity building, institutional governance, teaching, research, and community engagement. These actions also include specific recommendations on gender equality that can lead to transformation by addressing the root causes of gender inequalities.

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One of the key issues for higher education institutions in the immediate future, regardless of location or resource level,
is the need for HEI leadership to be equipped to advance in the responsible implementation of AI. The Practical Guide
sets out detailed actions for responsibly integrating AI. To recap, these recommendations are:

  • Build internal capacity;
  • Develop a policy framework for AI;
  • Innovate in pedagogy and skills training;
  • Promote AI research and application;
  • Mobilize knowledge and communities around AI;
  • Improve gender equality for AI and higher education.

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This project website enables students to champion the core values of academic integrity among their peers. These values comprise honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage, values to be cultivated in association with an ethos of compassion and concern.

In the denouement of the COVID-19 pandemic, talk of a return to “normalcy” in higher education belies the great challenges and ongoing disruptions that yet lie ahead for many institutions. Public perceptions of the value of postsecondary education continue their downward slide, placing institutions in the position of having to demonstrate their worth and find solutions to declining enrollments. Data and analytics capabilities continue to evolve, introducing new opportunities and new risks to the institution. Chief among these capabilities, generative AI promises to change teaching and learning in ways many of us have yet to fully understand or prepare for.

For this year’s teaching and learning Horizon Report, expert panelists’ discussions highlighted and wrestled with these present and looming challenges for higher education. This report summarizes the results of those discussions and serves as one vantage point on where our future may be headed.

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