Ben Mc Keever

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Publication created by our 2024 summer interns in DkIT.
Giving power back to class reps! This book will be a useful resource for all our student reps to use as a guide and for training purposes also.

Student interns explaining how to use Artificial Intelligence in a way that upholds Academic Integrity.
This suite of short videos was create by our student interns in 2023. The videos are a useful resources for students and staff.
The topics covered include Academic Integrity resources at DkIT, Academic Integrity and Group Work, and Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence.

Student interns explaining how the importance of academic integrity in group work.
This suite of short videos was created by our student interns in 2023. The videos are a useful resource for students and staff.

This suite of short videos was created by our student interns in 2023. The videos are a useful resource for students and staff. The topics covered include Academic Integrity resources at DkIT, Academic Integrity and Group Work, and Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence.