Technology Assisted Interdisciplinary Learning for advanced education in cardiorespiratory care: Pre-Learning


Aoife MacCormac, Siobhan Brereton, Tara Cusack


University College Dublin


Health and Welfare


Digital Learning, Professional Development



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Webpage, Website

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This resource presents the pre learning which was developed for interdisciplinary simulation for Physiotherapists, Dietitians and Cardiac Nurses in the area of cardio respiratory care.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

This resource has been developed for learning in the area of cardiorespiratory care. It would be of value for health and social care students in the early stages of their education in this area. It is created within clear parameters in that it is short, interactive, and engaging. This pre learning was developed as a precursor for interdisciplinary simulation learning. Pre learning is a key requirement for simulation and means that students arrive at class ready to undertake the simulation scenario.

Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

This work has been dedicated to the public domain under a CC0 license, allowing unrestricted use, distribution, and adaptation without attribution.
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MacCormac, A., Brereton, S., & Cusack, T. (2025). Technology assisted interdisciplinary learning for advanced education in cardiorespiratory care: pre-learning. National Resource Hub (Ireland). Retrieved from:

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