Employability Skills Assessment

Employability Skills Assessment


Lucy Jones, Neil Pritchard


Wrexham Glyndwr University


Generic programmes and qualifications, Teaching & Learning


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A flexible resource that supports learners to assess their current employability skills. Focus is given to a number of developmental areas that employers review and assess as part of a recruitment and selection processes.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

From the authors: “Students work through the questions on the assessment rating their level of competence. As they do this it is crucial to their own development that they fully reflect upon their findings. Each question on the form asks the learner to provide evidence of how they can demonstrate that they have attained a specific employability skill. The learners are prompted to use the STAR model to demonstrate their competence. This model allows for critical reflection and action evidence that can be drawn upon as students prepare for moving into the work place or further student.”

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license, allowing sharing and adaptation for non-commercial use with proper attribution, provided derivative works use the same license.

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Jones, L., & Pritchard, N. (2021). Employability skills assessment. National Resource Hub (Ireland). Retrieved from: https://hub.teachingandlearning.ie/resource/employability-skills-assessment/ License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA).

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Related OER

This report discusses the views of final year students and graduates who attended a TCD led, multi-institutional one-day workshop on what student success means to them, and what they identified as the facilitators of and barriers to achieving that success. The findings were based on the analysis of four types of inputs for the seminar: written submissions by students on the theme prior to the seminar, student talks, a panel discussion and workshop discussions on the day of the seminar. In order to have a framework to discuss the concept at the seminar, a thematic analysis was performed on the written submissions which students submitted prior to the seminar. Three broad categories of success were identified: academic, personal and social. While initially academic success features predominantly, as students progress through their studies, they develop a more holistic perspective where personal and social success become increasingly important to them. Student success is a broad concept. It is different for and personal to each student and changes with the student’s journey from initial entry to college through to graduation.

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URL: https://www.learnhigher.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/Employability_Skills_Assessment_22_09_17_NP.pdf