National Survey on the Use of Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2014
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National Survey on the Use of Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2014
Technology Enhanced Learning: Summary Results Arising from the National Forum 20Qs TEL Survey May 2014
Update on Development and Implementation of the Irish Survey of Student Engagement 2013-17
This online event held on 7 May 2020 takes place at a time of unprecedented global challenge in which the importance of confident, supported engagement with digital technology has become clear to all.
Using ISSE Data to Inform and Enhance Changes to Assessment OF/FOR and AS Learning
This infographic contains findings from 29,929 students and staff who teach across the five themes of the Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey.
This infographic contains findings from 29,929 students and staff who teach across the five themes of the Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey.
This infographic contains findings from 29,929 students and staff who teach across the five themes of the recent Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey. For more information on the INDEx Survey, including the full findings report, see here.
This infographic contains findings from 29,929 students and staff who teach across the five themes of the recent Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey.
A short presentation excellently detailing students’ emerging issues, reflections and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.