Self-Study Course: Research Integrity and Impact in an Open Scholarship Era (RIO)



Trinity College Dublin


Education, Teaching & Learning


Open Education, Professional Development



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The concept of open scholarship has radically altered the way in which academic research operates in Europe, providing as it does both opportunities and challenges for researchers. In addition, funders are increasingly demanding that researchers, must, as a pre-requisite to securing grant funding, have undertaken training in research ethics. Finally, there are increasing pressures on researchers to be aware of and comply with obligations under intellectual property and data protection law, and to ensure the proper management of their research data. This course seeks to provide researchers and research support staff with the tools necessary to navigate these issues.

Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Apply the highest standards of ethical integrity in their research
  • Understand the basic principles of intellectual property law as they apply to their research
  • Appreciate the application of Data Protection law in the context of their research
  • Apply best practice standards in research data management and develop an effective Data Management Plan for their research
  • Demonstrate awareness of the opportunities that open scholarship provides for them to ensure that their research has maximum impact

How to take part

This course is available on the National Forum Open Courses for Professional Development platform.

  1. To get started, visit
  2. Create an account and sign-in.
  3. Navigate to Self Study Courses or visit to sign up.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)

This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license, allowing sharing and adaptation for non-commercial use with proper attribution, provided derivative works use the same license.
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Trinity College Dublin (2023). Self-study course: research integrity and impact in an open scholarship era (rio). National Resource Hub (Ireland). Retrieved from: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA).

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If you have modified or adopted this resource, share your version here. Tracking adaptations helps us measure impact and connects others with useful updates.

Related OER

This open course is designed to facilitate the development of your Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy so that you can explore and innovate using Generative AI (GenAI) within your teaching, learning, and assessment practices.

In light of the potential opportunities and challenges of these technologies, this course will facilitate you in exploring the fundamentals of GenAI and AI Literacy, whilst focusing on an ethical practice. You will consider innovative ways in which you can respond to the challenges arising from the impact of these technologies in Higher Education.

Completion of this course will support you in developing a GenAI teaching strategy to apply to your own practice.

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