The Website has been developed as a resource for Parents, Students, Tutors and Teachers who would like to support and help others to develop their maths eyes.
Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it
Adults believe that the real world mathematics they can do in life and work is just ‘common sense’ the real world mathematics they can’t do is mathematics. Having Maths Eyes changes the view of mathematics as being something everyone does in school. With maths eyes people see the mathematics they do everyday mathematics becomes real and meaningful. As part of her research, Dr. Terry Maguire developed the concept of ‘developing maths eyes’ to support the continuous professional development of adult maths tutors in Ireland (Maguire, 2003, Maguire 2006). Terry has further extended the concept of Developing Maths Eyes to help build confidence in mathematics in all members of the community. By developing their Maths Eyes individuals discover the mathematics that surround them and that they use every day. The Maths Eyes Team want to help other communities to develop their maths eyes. If you are a parent, a student, a teacher or tutor, a learner, employed, unemployed, old, young, middle aged, male or female, an individual or a group or just plain interested, then Maths Eyes is for you! Please join the team and let them know if you are holding a Maths Eyes event by uploading the details through the website. if you develop materials in your own area for maths eyes contact Maths Eyes, and they will add them to their resource section so that they can be shared.
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