This resource has been created by an interdisciplinary project team at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin and was funded through the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund 2020.
Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it
An interdisciplinary online resource for clinical teachers and practice educators. This resource aims to support healthcare professionals involved in teaching and learning of undergraduate students.
This resource consists of 5 units of learning
Core Principles of Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Learning Environment
Feedback in the Clinical Learning Environment
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Clinical Learning Environment
Student Engagement and Promoting a Culture of Belonging in the Clinical Learning Environment
Fundamentals of Work Based Assessment
This resource is for healthcare staff and academic staff who teach in the clinical learning environment. The students voice informed the development of this resource and while the resource is predominantly aimed towards healthcare professional and educators both staff and students can benefit from engaging with this resource… after all healthcare students will be clinical teachers very soon.
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