Complexities, Capacities, Communities: Changing Development Narratives in Early Childhood Education, Care and Development



Alan Pence, Allison Benner


University of Victoria


Health and Welfare, Teaching & Learning




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This book describes approaches to capacity promotion that respond to the complexities and possibilities of communities—at local and country levels.

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As stated by the authors, “This volume problematizes such activities and presents an alternative approach to promoting capacity in development contexts. The volume starts with an exploration of the concept of capacity building and goes on to focus on two examples of capacity promotion for early childhood education, care and development (ECD). The First Nations Partnerships Program (FNPP), an innovative and successful postsecondary education program initiated in 1989 at the request of a large tribal council in northern Canada, led to 10 educational deliveries with diverse Indigenous communities over the subsequent two decades. The second program, launched in 1994 at the request of UNICEF headquarters, focuses on sub-Saharan Africa. While the program encompasses a range of capacity-promoting activities, the central vehicle for this ECD development work is the Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU), a program created in 2001 and now in transition to African universities.”

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Pence, A., & Benner, A. (2021). Complexities, capacities, communities: changing development narratives in early childhood education, care and development. National Resource Hub (Ireland). Retrieved from: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

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