This talk will explore these questions and the relationship between the growth of micro-credentials, new digitally-enabled models of education, and the drive to develop more work-ready graduates and 21st Century lifelong learners.
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This talk will explore these questions and the relationship between the growth of micro-credentials, new digitally-enabled models of education, and the drive to develop more work-ready graduates and 21st Century lifelong learners.
This year saw the return of the highly popular “Gasta Goes Global” ed-tech event. “Gasta” is a high-energy, high-participation event format created and popularised by Dr Tom Farrelly of Munster Technological University.
This document, produced by OpenGame project with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme, aims to define the learning outcomes, course content, learning activities and assessment methods to be included in the OPENGAME gamified course. The contents on open education proposed here comprises 8 modules based on 8 competences. For each competence we have defined learning outcomes. The modules are built around the practices identified and described in IO1 (García-Holgado et al., 2020). In each module 3 practices are used to engage the trainees, having one as the main one, further explored, and two others to broaden the expertise in the area.