This resource was created from the SATLE 2018 initiative: Higher Education Language Educators’ Competences (HELECs ).
Benefit of this resource and how to make the best use of it
The HELECs framework of competences comprises seven domains, reflecting the multidimensionality of the language educator in higher education. The circular theme chosen for the visualisation of this framework emphasises the absence of a hierarchy between the domains. In other words, educators may identify with or choose any domain relevant to their needs, at any point time. Simply click on the name of the domain to access the corresponding competences.
Each domain is scaffolded by three competence identifiers, labelled Practitioner, Expert and Leader. The identifiers provide structure and support a transformative experience for language educators’ professional development in higher education.
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University College Cork (2021). The helecs framework of competences (interactive version). National Resource Hub (Ireland). Retrieved from:
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