

Title of EventAssessment and Feedback in Placement Settings
Description of Event

If you are involved in placement, you may have wondered about how best to assess student performance when what's involved is so different from typical academic activities where students attend and engage in lectures, practicals, tutorials,etc. You may already have students reflecting on their work or may even be considering incorporating reflection for the first time. However, there are often additional challenges associated with work placement in that students are remote from you as opposed to typical assessment where you can more easily engage with them. Have you ever wondered what the students’ views on assessment and feedback in work placement settings are?

In this seminar, we will get some global, national and local insights into the challenges and solutions to conducting assessment and providing feedback in a work placement setting. Firstly, we will hear from Professor Rola Ajjawi about some of the challenges faced within the Australian setting together with thoughts on solutions that have worked. Secondly, Dr. Geraldine O’Neill will discuss findings from a wide ranging study that she conducted with students, host organisations and academics. Thirdly, Dr Tom O'Mahony and Catherine Murphy will discuss some of the results of research they are conducting into enhancing feedback and assessment in work placement modules in MTU and will share data gathered data from 270 students.

In conclusion, options for next steps will be shared with all those interested in redesigning their assessment and feedback approach to work placement.

This seminar is funded as part of MTU’s Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding 2022-23 (SATLE 2022-23) with coordination and support from the Teaching and Learning Unit (TLU).

Is this an online only event?Yes
Focus Area
  • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Event Date17/11/2023
Start Time09:00 AM
End Time11:00 AM
Organiser NameMs. Catherine Murphy
Contact Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
