


Title of InitiativeRapid Curriculum Renewal for Sustainability (RCRS)
Initiative Overview

The Department of Process, Energy and Transport Engineering in MTU Cork delivers two programmes that have a strong focus on meeting the needs of society through sustainable development. In the Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Engineering programme, students learn to apply systems-thinking, placing them in a strong position to help with the challenges in meeting many of the UN SDG’s, in particular Good Health and Well-Being, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy and Responsible Consumption and Production. The SEE programme is designed to meet the needs of society in the area of renewables including wind energy, ocean and hydro energy and solar energy all within the context of dealing with the challenges of sustainable development.

In this project, it is proposed to apply a revised RCRS approach to two engineering programmes by focusing on three main objectives that are expanded to incorporate the development of a sustainability mindset for the learner and outreach with different categories of external stakeholders. This is to be achieved through a student-staff partnership.

1. Awareness raising and developing a common understanding of ESD for both staff and students
2. Bridging and outreach with industry and other stakeholders
3. First pass on strategic content renewal incorporating the development of the learner mindset informed by dialogue with external stakeholders

To learn more, please visit the TLU website


Lead InstitutionMunster Technological University
Focus Area
  • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Website or Webpage URL
Initiative Lead Contact NameAisling O’Gorman
Initiative Lead Contact Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.