


Title of InitiativeEnhancing and supporting the entrepreneurial intent of undergraduate students
Initiative Overview

Innovative Product Development (IPD) is a multi-award-winning programme delivered to multidisciplinary teams of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering students, and business and accounting students across MTU. Students are placed in multi-disciplinary teams and tasked with generating an idea for a new innovative product. The product must be novel, have commercial potential, and allow for a physical prototype or proof of concept to be developed.

We have seen resounding successes from our students with significant achievements at national and international competitions. During the last three years students have won; top prize at the MTU Prize for Innovation 2021, 2022 (9 out of the top 10 prizes both years), 2023, winner of the Dyson Ireland Award 2021, two groups in top ten of the Enterprise Ireland Student Innovation Awards in 2021 and 2022, University Start-u World Cup 2021 two groups in the semi-finals, and winner of the Engineers Ireland Innovative Student Engineer Awards 2022. A major goal of IPD is to foster the entrepreneurial intent of our students but even though the university could be considered best in class in innovation competitions, we are not seeing students progressing their ideas as business start-ups. Students are not considering entrepreneurship as a potential career path.  If students can see that entrepreneurial success is achievable and they value the rewards of that success then they will be more motivated to consider entrepreneurship after graduation or at some point in the future i.e. increasing their entrepreneurial intent (Keane, 2020).

Objective: To engage students, staff, and external entrepreneurial role models to develop a set of proposals and recommendations for an MTU pilot initiative to enhance the entrepreneurial intent of undergraduate students. This initiative will have the potential to significantly impact the students, staff and external partners of the MTU.

To learn more, please visit the TLU website

Lead InstitutionMunster Technological University
Focus Area
  • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Website or Webpage URL
Initiative Lead Contact NameDr. Paul Keane
Initiative Lead Contact Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.