


Title of InitiativeEmbedding UN SDG’s within Curricula at MTU
Initiative Overview

This project will develop a process at institutional level to help programme teams embed SDGs within curricula. The process will help programme teams to identify core/priority SDGs aligned to their subject area discipline, evaluate the current level of SDG alignment and develop the process to enable programme teams to transition to ensure the core/priority SDGs are embedded and explicitly assessed at various points within the programme. The project will also develop tools to communicate the relevance of programmes to the SDGs to students and external agencies. This communication is essential to raising awareness amongst students and engaging and empowering them to define and realise their roles in achieving long term sustainability.

Specific objectives of this project are to work with a number of different programmes across two faculties at MTU Cork and MTU Kerry to:
(1) Explore existing processes for mapping SDG’s within the curriculum, select a suitable process and map how the core SDG’s are currently realised within these programmes
(2) To identify a set of modules that currently do not focus on SDGs and re-design these so that they align with the core SDGs of the subject area discipline. These modules should span all three SDG pillars of societal, economic and environmental.
(3) Engage with local external bodies e.g. Cork City Council, Kerry County Council, to explore collaborative opportunities to embed long-term authentic SDG activity within curricula.
(4) Identify and create case-studies of good practice that can readily be transferred to other discipline areas
(5) Create a set of resources explaining how we mapped SDG’s and embedded them within these curricula and explore implications for practice within the wider MTU community i.e. implications for existing curriculum-design tools and processes.

To learn more, please visit the TLU website

Lead InstitutionMunster Technological University
Focus Area
  • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Website or Webpage URL
Initiative Lead Contact NameDr. Niamh Power
Initiative Lead Contact Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.