


Title of InitiativeDevelopment of a framework for stakeholder engagement in the design of Learning Spaces at MTU
Initiative Overview


To establish a framework for student, staff and industry early engagement in the development and design of new and the enhancement of existing learning spaces at MTU.

Work plan:

Review current procedures for stakeholder engagement in the design of learning spaces.
Desk research and benchmarking to establish national and international approaches to engaging students and staff in decision-making for learning spaces.
Conducting meetings and brainstorming sessions with sample representatives of stakeholder groups to embed their views in the development of the framework.
Cohesively identify how Learning spaces, student voice, student engagement, inclusivity, International best practice. stakeholders (students, staff, industry-partners) can be given a voice in space planning across the university.
The framework would provide a stepped approach to ensure that there is consistency across campuses for user engagement as existing spaces are re-furbished and new spaces are created.
The framework will be developed and applied to and benchmarked against a sample space.

To learn more, please visit the TLU website

Lead InstitutionMunster Technological University
Focus Area
  • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
  • Digital Transformation in the Tertiary Sector
  • Best Practice in Upholding and Cultivating Academic Integrity
Website or Webpage URL
Initiative Lead Contact NameDr. Katie Power
Initiative Lead Contact Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.