


Title of InitiativeA Student-Centric Timetable Assistant Tool
Initiative Overview

MTU has 39 departments and approximately 150 programs, serving around 20,000 students. The Academic Timetabling Problem arises when assigning classes to rooms and timeslots, considering various constraints.

There are two types of constraints: "hard" constraints, such as room capacities and required lunch breaks, and "soft" constraints, like balanced lecture/lab hours, breaks between sessions, avoiding single lecture/lab days, and minimising large gaps in timetables. The quality of a solution depends on how well these constraints are satisfied.

Unfortunately, the timetabling problem is computationally challenging, especially given the scale of MTU. Basic rule-based software solutions fail to provide effective support for finding and evaluating solutions. Suboptimal timetables can negatively impact staff and student well-being, as well as the overall learning experience.

To address this, the project aims to develop a Student-Centric Timetable Assistant Tool. This tool will assist HoDs/TC in several ways: (1) allowing the direct specification of hard and soft constraints by staff and students, (2) utilising intelligent search algorithms to find near-optimal solutions efficiently, and (3) creating an action plan for adapting existing timetables to improved solutions. The tool can also be used in simulations to evaluate the impact of facility/resource changes.

By incorporating staff and student input and addressing their concerns, the tool aims to enhance the timetabling process and improve attendance rates. It will contribute to a better learning environment and overall student experience.

To learn more, please visit the TLU website

Lead InstitutionMunster Technological University
Focus Area
  • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
  • Digital Transformation in the Tertiary Sector
Website or Webpage URL
Initiative Lead Contact NameDr. Ignacio Castineiras
Initiative Lead Contact Email AddressEmail hidden; Javascript is required.