AIT OER Index – Science, Social Science & Health


AIT’s OER Index – Science, Social Science & Health

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Open Educational Resources or OERs are freely accessible resources such as textbooks, lecture slides or videos. This benefits teachers and students alike as it means that the resources are accessible anywhere, to anyone, for free.

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This series of videos presents an abstract from the Croí process where individuals are guided to define their personal (or core) and professional values, and to identify actions they can take that will help them to develop a career that better aligns their personal and professional values and lives.

In the denouement of the COVID-19 pandemic, talk of a return to “normalcy” in higher education belies the great challenges and ongoing disruptions that yet lie ahead for many institutions. Public perceptions of the value of postsecondary education continue their downward slide, placing institutions in the position of having to demonstrate their worth and find solutions to declining enrollments. Data and analytics capabilities continue to evolve, introducing new opportunities and new risks to the institution. Chief among these capabilities, generative AI promises to change teaching and learning in ways many of us have yet to fully understand or prepare for.

For this year’s teaching and learning Horizon Report, expert panelists’ discussions highlighted and wrestled with these present and looming challenges for higher education. This report summarizes the results of those discussions and serves as one vantage point on where our future may be headed.

MAFAPS is a courses dealing with the issues related to de-carbonisation of merchant shipping worldwide. The subject matter includes the handling, storage and combustion of alternative fuels and the use of alternative power systems such as fuel cells.

This publication collects the posters shared at the 2023 Learning and Teaching Showcase at University College Cork, 5 December 2023. The posters are grouped into five themes: student engagement, inclusive teaching, academic integrity, digital education and education for sustainable development.

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